The story began with boy. Like always. And it all went wrong. The question is why. And the answer is... because. And this is enough. Enough for everyone. Silly apology, but with meaning.
My point is - I don't really understand why are we here. Why does life exist? What is our place on Earth? What shall we do? Is there a reasonable explanation? No. The answer is no. We live without of knowing what means to live...
To live means feel. Feel everything with every cell of your being. Feel the love, the hate. Fell the air in your hair. Feel people in their houses. (This part is similiar? Where did I hear it?? Hmmm... =)))
no! I know!
No a čo som vlastne chcela povedať--behať s hlavou v oblakoch sa neoplatí, pretože nikdy nevieš, kedy sa potkneš a prepadneš až do najčiernejšieho pekla...